I booked a session for my Emotion or Body Code healing with Erin...now what do I do?
To help you prepare for the best healing experience possible, simply follow these 5-Key steps.
Here’s how to do it:
Write a list of concerns, symptoms, goals or desires. Note: the backstory is not necessary; Erin only needs the symptoms, goals or desires for what you want to change. Then, email your list to Erin in advance of your appointment.
Email your preference for a session to be held via Skype or Zoom, otherwise telephone is the default mode. Note: If you are booking an email session then you do not need to be present on the telephone, Skype, or Zoom... it's perfect for busy people and the session is as effective as being on-line.
Watch the 7-Keys to the Emotion Code video which will be sent to you after booking your session (and coming soon to YouTube! stay tuned).
Be well hydrated by drinking water daily and especially prior to and during your session.
Indulge your full attention while connecting with Erin by sitting comfortably in a room and turning off the distractions of the pings, beeps, buzzers, and interruptions. You'll be glad you did.